Thursday, April 29, 2010

week 5

Can I just say how much I love Weight Watchers? The eTools feature works! You type the food you ate, and it looks up the points for you. You put in the ingredients for a recipe you are going to cook, it figures out the points for you and stores the recipe online. I am logging EVERYTHING I eat. That itself is miraculous. The official weigh-in this week is:

Hurray! It is working! I have been falling behind on the running schedule, probably because of a whole bunch of excuses, but also because my babies have been throwing up now for two weeks straight. Can't get much done besides cloroxing everything and bathing the little ones. But, that is exercise too, right? Let's hope so! No recipe today. Benson needs me to do a puzzle with him, and so. . . till next time!

1 comment:

  1. YOU are my inspiration! Keep up the good work! I need to use the etools! HOpe you are doing great! Hope your little ones feel better soon! :)
